This week we present three of the blocks for our blockheads 2018 by Moda free quilt along project: Block 16, TEXAS PUZZLE, by Carrie Nelson, Block 17, BIG STORM, by me (Brigitte Heitland) and block 18, MISHMASH, by Vanessa Goertzen.
Read moreModa Blockheads 2018 - Block 14 and Block 15
This week we present two of the blocks for our blockheads 2018 by Moda free quilt along project: Block 14, Fidget Spinner, by Lynne Hagmeier and block 15, Corner Pocket, by Barbara Groves of Me and My Sister.
Read moreHow to sew a modern advent Countdown calendar & Blockheads 2018 - Block 13
Advent Countdown Calendar sewn from a panel of the fabric collection White Christmas by Zen Chic, picture courtesy of Martina Ludwig
Block 13 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Patchwork Flower and will be hosted by Cory Yoder.
In addition I guide you through how to sew a Advent Countdown Calendar, an Adventskalender how we say it in German. It is a traditional German habit and lot of fun for everybody!
Read more12 thread colors every quilter needs & Blockheads 2018 - Block 12
Aurifil Thread Box featuring White Christmas select by Zen Chic
Block 12 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Jace’s Star and will be hosted by Lisa Bongean
In addition I will introduce a box of quality threads with 12 color no quilter won’t miss! Believe me.
Read moreChristmas Trees in a modern Quilt & Blockheads 2018 - Block 11
Those Trees Christmas Quilt pattern by Zen Chic
Block 11 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Direction and will be hosted by Sherrie McConnel
And I will talk a bit about my THOSE TREES Christmas Quilt pattern (it’s cute, it’s simple and you can make that…)
Read moreA modern Appliqué Christmas Quilt & Blockheads 2018 - Block 10
Mistletoe Christmas Quilt pattern by Zen Chic
Block 10 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Duck and Ducklings and will be hosted by Jo Morton.
And I will talk a bit about my MISTLETOE Christmas Quilt pattern (if you want to kiss under a Mistletoe, this would be THE opportunity…)
Read moreHow to sew a Christmas Quilt with a Layer Cake & Blockheads 2018 - Block 9
Star In A Star Christmas Quilt pattern by Zen Chic
Block 9 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called With A Plus and will be hosted by Laurie Simpson.
And I will talk a bit about my STAR-IN-A-STAR Christmas Quilt pattern (a really easy to sew quilt, also for beginners…
Read moreHow to sew a modern Lone Star Quilt & Blockheads 2018 - Block 8
Mega Star Christmas Quilt pattern by Zen Chic
Block 8 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Pineapple and will be hosted by Jan Patek.
And I will talk a bit about my MEGA STAR Christmas Quilt pattern (which turned out to become a Mega Star…)
Read moreWin an Aurifil Thread Box & Blockheads 2018 - Block 7
Block 7 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Spin Cycle and will be hosted by Stacy Iest Hsu.
Andy you will have the chance to win an Aurifil thread box and a bundle of White Christmas fabrics
Read more28 Elegant Christmas Fabrics & Blockheads 2018 - Block 6
White Christmas fabrics by Zen Chic
Block 6 of the free quilt along Blockheads 2018 by Moda. The block of this week is called Path thru the woods and will be hosted by Betsy Chutchian.
This post gives you also a sneak peek on all the beautiful 28 White Christmas fabrics available now in stores.
Read moreHuge Discount on All Zen Chic patterns & Blockheads 2018 - Block 5
Block 5 of the free quilt along blockheads 2018 by Moda. These week Vanessa Goertzen from Lella Boutique brings us a huge block - IMPACT. This quilt will definitely have an impact on your completed layout.
I’m also offering a huge pattern discount on my new WHITE CHRISTMAS pattern series, so don’t miss this opportunity.
This post gives you also a sneak peek on the new issue 13 of Simply Modern by Quiltmania.
Read more13 modern quilt projects & Blockheads 2018 - Block 4
Block 4 of the free quilt along blockheads 2018 by Moda. These week we work on Romas Cross. See different techniques to sew the block, download your free pattern and see, what else you can sew with Roman Cross.
This post gives you also a sneak peek on the new issue 13 of Simply Modern by Quiltmania.
Read moreQuilt Along Blockheads 2018 - Block 3 and a free Christmas Pattern
WHITE CHRISTMAS fabrics have hit stores these days and to inspire you I created this free pattern.
Block 3 of the free quilt along blockheads 2018 by Moda. These week we work on Pennsylvania and the block and instructions will be hosted by Carrie Nelson of Moda.
I have also a free pattern for a Christmas Quilt for you… elegant and modern, beyond reds and greens. Come check it out!
Read moreFree Quilt Along Blockheads 2018 - Block 2
WHITE CHRISTMAS fabrics have hit stores these days
Block 2 of the free quilt along blockheads 2018 by Moda. These week we work on Buckeye Beauty and the block and instructions will be hosted by Me and My Sister Designs.
Read moreFree Quilt Along Blockheads 2018 - Block 1
Stellar Star
Free quilt along Blockheads 2018, Block 1: Stellar Star
Fabrics used in the block are from Moda, Basic Grey GRUNGE and Zen Chic MORE PAPER
Quilt pattern printed, new sharp blade inserted, cutting table cleared off! Eager to start with the first task of Blockheads round 2.
If you want a quick overview about the free quilt along project and what materials are needed, you find this information on my previous post here.
Lynne Hagmeier starts the new season with the first quilt block. I can only show my virtual block, since I didn't get the hands on my choosen fabrics so far. But it's a piece of cake to make that patchwork block:
Everyone can do a 9-patch and with the flip-and-stitch method explained in the downloadable quilt block file you can easily make the trapezoids pointing in all four directions.
I used a light and dark from the same shade so I achieved a kind of dimensional effect.
Hop over to Lynn's Blog and see, what she is doing with this block.
BTW: When sewing all the blocks for this project, the instructions will refer to some basic techniques, which will be used again and again. Sewing half square triangles, curved seams, flip and stitch technique, etc. You can download and print this sheets with the basic instructions.
I made the little star in the middle pop a bit by using graphite background fabric instead of white.
Free Quilt Along: Moda Blockheads 2018, Round 2
Blockheads? Ever heard of? Well, it is a year long Quilt Along hosted by Moda. Last year the first quilt along was started, grew and succeeded immensely with a Facebook group of over 22.000 quilters taking part and sewing the project. So what could be more logic than making a second round of the success story?
So this year we are starting the summer with a free quilt along
MODA BLOCKHEADS 2018 ROUND 2, beginning at the 6th of June.
As last year we have these well known Moda designers on board: Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles – Betsy Chutchian – Jan Patek – Jo Morton – Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings.
Actually BLOCKHEADS is a kind of mystery quilt along, since you don't get a picture of the finished quilt in the beginning. All designers are sewing along with you, so they can reveal their finished quilt only next summer. But of course, all start from the same point, so I give you a quick overview of what Moda revealed so far:
"Layout. We have one. A few of the parts can be moved around but we have a setting and a plan. We’ll share part of it by the end of the year, but the full reveal won’t be until March of 2019 when the last block is published. You do not have to follow our layout! But I think you’ll like what we’re doing. And there will be a few options for turning this “big” project into several smaller ones. This layout will not need additional fabric for sashing, alternating squares, setting triangles, etc. Unless you want to change the setting, then you’re on your own.
Size. The finished quilt will measure 72″ x 78″. If you’d like a bigger quilt, that’s easily done with more blocks and borders.
Blocks. While there are 6″ finished blocks in this quilt, there are at least three different sizes of blocks. And 6″ finished is the smallest.
Fabric Requirements. This is where it gets a little less precise. It all depends on whether you use a single background for all the blocks, mixed backgrounds – light or dark, or a variety of light, medium and dark fabrics for the “background” of some blocks. So these estimates are rough. Generous. But rough. The yardage calculations are also based on a “traditional approach” of an allover light or dark background with contrasting prints for the block parts.
- One Background & Asst. Lights/Mediums/Darks.
Asst. Lights, Mediums & Darks for Blocks – 30 to 32 FQs or scraps to total approx. 8 yards
Background – 4-1/2 yards - Multiple Backgrounds & Asst. Lights/Mediums/Darks.
Asst. Lights, Mediums & Darks for Blocks – 30 to 32 FQs or scraps to total approx. 8 yards
Asst. Prints for Backgrounds – 18 to 20 FQs or scraps to total approx. 5 yards - A Mix of Lights, Darks & Mediums.
Asst. Lights, Mediums & Darks for Blocks and Backgrounds – 48 to 50 FQs or scraps to total approx. 13 to 14 yards Will the quilt work with a single background? Yes. Will it work with a dark background? Yes.
Timing. Block 1 will be posted at 8:00 am CST on Wednesday, June 6. The last block and a few finished quilt tops will be shared on Wednesday, April 17.
A couple of other changes coming…
- We will be here every Wednesday, sharing our version of each new block.
- The link to each new block will be available on that week’s Designer blog, and if they don’t have a blog, we will link to the block here.
- There will be an Archive of blocks updated weekly.
- Some of the Block Heads will be blogging every week, others will only blog for their blocks.
- Blocks will be posted every Wednesday by 8:00 am, CST."
Hier auch noch mal in Deutsch:
Größe. Der fertige Quilt wird 72″ x 78″ groß sein.
Blocks. Es gibt Blocks mit 6″ fertige Größe, das sind die kleinsten. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch größere Blöcke von mindestens drei verschiedenen Größen.
Stoffbedarf. Hier gibt es weniger präzise Angaben. Es hängt davon ab, ob du ein und denselben Hintergrundstoff für alle Blöcke nimmst, verschiedene Hintergrundstoffe auswählst (wie in meinem Beispiel), z.B. auch ob du hell, mittel und dunkel für den Hintergrund mischt. Die Schätzungen hier sind ziemlich grob. Großzügig, aber grob.
- Ein Hintergrund und ein Sortiment von hellen/mittleren/dunklen Stoffen als Kontrast
Sortiment von hellen, mittleren und dunklen Stoffen für die Blöcke – 30 bis 32 Fat Quarters oder Scraps, zusammen circa 7,5 m
Hintergrund – 4 m - Verschiedene Hintergrundstoffe und ein Sortiment von hellen/mittleren/dunklen Stoffen als Kontrast
Sortiment von hellen, mittleren und dunklen Stoffen für die Blöcke – 30 bis 32 Fat Quarters oder Scraps, zusammen circa 7,5 m
Sortiment von Hintergrundstoffen – 18 bis 20 Fat Quarters oder Scraps, zusammen circa 4,5 m - Insgesamt ein Mix von hellen, mittleren und dunklen Stoffen (so wird das Beispiel am Ende im Mysteryquilt sein, ich weiß das schon, weil ich die technischen Zeichnungen dafür gemacht habe).
Sortiment von hellen, mittleren und dunklen Stoffen für die Blöcke und den Hintergrund – 48 bis 50 Fat Quarters oder Scraps, zusammen circa 12 bis 13 m Wird der Quilt mit einem einzigen, gleichen Hintergrundstoff funktionieren? Ja. Wird er mit einem dunklen Hintergrundstoff funktionieren? Ja.
Zeit. Block 1 erscheint um 15:00 am Mittwoch, den 6. Juni. Der letzte Block und einige fertige Quilt Tops werden am Mittwoch, den 17. April veröffentlicht.
Und außerdem:
- Jeden Mittwoch kann man auf dem Blog von Moda die Fortsetzung verfolgen.
- Den Link für jeden neuen Block findest du auf dem Blog des jeweiligen Designer’s, der in der entsprechenden Woche den Ball hat.
- Es gibt für die Blöcke auch ein Archiv, das wöchentlich auf den neusten Stand gebracht wird.
- Einige der Blockheads schreiben jede Woche einen Post mit ihrem Nähergebnis, andere posten nur, wenn der Ball an sie geht.
- Die neuen Blöcke werden jeweils Mittwochs ab 15:00 gepostet
My BLOCKHEADS 2018 Quilt Along
I will take part in this project and the fabric I'll be using should match my bedroom, which is in chartreuse and white. Quite scrappy. An assortment of Grunges to bring color in.
For my Blockheads 2018 Quilt Along I use Moda Grunge, colors from up to down: 30150 97 Kelp, 30150 66 Decadent, 30150 303 Key Lime, 30150 154 Aqua, 30150 228 Ocean, 30150 226 Pool, 30150 64 Duchesse and 30150 281 Sunflower.
I’m starting with roughly 8 colors of Grunge, each 1/2 yard and for the bright background fabrics I will use my MODERN BACKGROUNDS PAPER (and MORE PAPER, coming soon). Maybe I have to add more yards of Grunge, let's see during the process.
These are the background fabrics for my Blockheads 2018 quilt along: Collection MORE PAPER by Zen Chic for Moda, available in October
I’m eager to start. What about you? Get your cutting table ready for the 6th!